CarOrganizer is a useful application that allows you to take control over your vehicles' expenses. You can fill in the vehicle characteristics: vehicle name, fuel type, mileage, and year of construction, and add as many vehicles as you want. All the expenses added are shown in the main window and their sum is calculated automatically.
The program includes four different expenses categories: fuel, service, fix costs, and miscellaneous. You can evaluate the fuel consumption either monthly or yearly. Besides calculating the expenses for each vehicle, the program includes a Driver's log that allows you to have a detailed log of your journeys, including the start and finish date, starting and finishing mileage, destination, purpose, and visited people.
The program has the Euro as the default currency and the language is German, but these parameters can be modified in the Options window. One disadvantage I found is that distance is only shown in kilometers, and the fuel consumption in liters; you cannot use gallons or miles.